"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Kelly takes the first CLEP preparation practice exam

We are in the process of trying to determine whether it makes sense for the kids to take some CLEP tests to get her some credit at our local community college.  She took a preliminary practice test for Freshman College Composition to see how far away she was from being able to pass the test.  She needs to get a 50 on the actual test to get credit for the six college credit hours which is the equivalent of two semesters of English Composition.  Her score yesterday was 55.  She is going to study the material for five weeks, take another practice test, evaluate what else she needs to study, take a final practice test, study a little more based on those results, and then take the real test.  I am sure the tests vary in difficulty based on the material covered, the ability of the student in each material, and a host of other factors.  From what I can tell, there are 51 credit hours worth of CLEP exams that would help Kelly toward a degree and that the local community college will accept as credit toward an a college/university transfer associate degree.  The only classes for which she will have to actually go to the school are a math class, two biology classes, and a totally bogus, politically correct, humanities class.  The degree requires a minimum of 64 credit hours to graduate with that degree, but if she hits all the classes I described here, she will have 66 with the correct mix of classes for a Associate of Arts (A.A.) College/University Transfer degree.  We still do not know how all this will work out for us, but it is looking OK so far.


The trials of a new house


Reading materials for vacation


  1. Hunter

    Hey,Christian. You know how people say that if you mix vinegar and
    baking soda you can blow the lid off of a container? I just figured
    out that if you substitute hydrogen peroxide for vinegar you can get
    a stronger explosion. Even if you use baking powder instead of baking

  2. Hunter

    P.S. I wrote that ’cause I think you like that kind of thing.If you were wondering.

  3. Dad

    WOW!!! We REALLY need to try this (with goggles and all the right safety precautions — after all, I am the dad). Christian is sitting here with me and thinks it is a VERY cool idea.

  4. Hunter

    Are you guys the Raleigh or the Cary meeting group now?

  5. Dad

    We are still in the Cary meeting group. None of our meetings have changed so far.

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