The buzz around the Chapman household over the last few days has centered on Grandma Conchita’s new refrigerator.  Tio Jorge and I have been conspiring to replace their very small, very nasty refrigerator that barely kept things below room temperature to one that actual keeps things cold, provides ice and filtered cold water in the door, has a big freezer compartment, and, believe it or not, has a microwave defroster built right in the refrigerator.  Awhile back, I called Jorge about the plan.  He went down to the local appliance store, found this amazing machine, and made arrangements to have it delivered while we were all on vacation in Puerto Vallarta.  We were hoping to have it installed an running by the time Lauro and Conchita got home, but the plumber has to run a water line for the filtered water and ice.  During the planning phase, Jorge mentioned that he would make some disparaging remarks about how bad was the refrigerator.

Jorge said, “No one knows how to irritate Mami as much as I do.”

And it was true!  When we got to Puerto Vallarta, Conchita really did not have too many good things to say about Jorge.  She was pretty exercised about Jorge’s often ungrateful attitude.  She is pretty happy now, though.  They are actually wanting to open put a wall up where there was one door, open a window into the living room over a cabinet with a nice piece of granite on it, and plan some other improvements for the kitchen.  That would be very nice for them.  She is a lot happier with Jorge now, too.

In other big news, Jorge and Mari have decided to name their new little boy Brandon.  You might remember that his cousin, Lynn and Rosalinda’s youngest, is named Marlon.  Marlon, Brandon, hmmm…