Kelly has a piano competition coming up in the next month or so.  The work she does in preparing for the competition is repetitive.  She is also in the process of finishing up here first year of Spanish on Rosetta Stone.  That is also repetitive.  We had a talk about it yesterday.  Many of the things that are worth doing require lots of repetition which can be very boring, but repetition with attention and vigor is often the only antidote for mediocrity.  Kelly has not given a public performance for quite some time now.  We are very much looking forward to hearing her play.  We are thinking that, if we can afford it, it would be nice if she could go to a piano camp this year.  It would also be nice to get Kelly some voice lessons this summer.  Kelly truly loves to sing, so it would be a nice way to both get a little bit of a change from the piano routine while still keeping her hand in on developing her musical skills.  I would like to get both of them into a choir sometime, but as a totally non-musical engineer, that presents me with a challenge for which I am not particularly well suited.  Maybe I can co-opt Lorena into helping me with that.

Kelly is moving forward with her CLEP test preparation.  There is a CLEP test site at Johnston Community College which is less than 30 miles from where we live, so I think that will be a good place for her to do her testing.  She will be studying for four or five weeks before she takes another practice test.  Then, after another couple of weeks, she will take her final practice test, study for a week and take the actual test.  We are very optimistic about the program, but still have not decided how extensively we will use it.