Lately, I have been trying think about how we can get some of our projects completed.  Our half-finished cat tower is still over at the rental house.  This weekend, Christian and I plan to load it into the pickup and bring it to the new house so we can start working on it again, but that is not the only project we have in the wings.  We are in the middle of our “Financial Peace” project.  It is going along well, but we are getting to the end of the reading phase and will need to jump right into the doing phase before we forget what we have read.  We have three radio and radio license projects in the works:  The radio assembly and theory of electronics class, the General Class Ham radio license test preparation, and the commercial General Radio Operators License test preparation.  We have a new book on world views that we are going to read together and we really have been slacking quite a bit in the art department (although Kelly and Christian are both working on knitting projects).  In addition to that, I am continuing work on my open source vision libraries project.  It is dawning on me that I need to put a hold on finding new projects until we complete a few of the ones that are already on our plate.  That is not even mentioning that we will have some quite big projects associated with our new back yard and how to get it into a usable state.

Update:  I cannot believe I have forgotten our cooking projects.  I have always wanted to try to make ravioli from scratch.  I think we ought to try that this weekend.  Here is the recipe (with Portobello Mushrooms!).  Lorena, Kelly, and Christian, could you make sure we have all the ingredients?