When we got here to North Carolina we met a family who had moved out here (via several other places) from Washington (state).  We knew a lot of the same people because all of our families have lived in the Pacific Northwest for at least a couple of generations.  There is another couple we knew in South Florida from when both we and they had just gotten married.  They also moved to this area after leaving Florida for Georgia for a few years.  I think they are originally from Minnesota.  At any rate, those two families live at the north end of the Research Triangle area while we live well to the south of it, probably about a forth or fifty minute drive–not impossible but a hassle.  It is kind of too bad it worked out that way, because the women in that family are the kind that like to get the “girls” together for coffee, breakfast, shopping, and all that kind of stuff.  Nevertheless, the one from Florida called Lorena yesterday and wanted to schedule breakfast or something, so I think they are all going to meet at our house on Friday morning.  Very cool!  We all have young kids, so the plan is to get all of them to come over for dinner on a Friday night in the next couple of weeks.  The house is so empty, that it will be great for the kids to blast around.  There is another young couple who are getting married next week that will live closer to our end of town.  The wife should fit right in to this group.  Now is Lorena’s chance to be quite the social butterfly!