"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: January 7, 2008

This is something to watch

Christian loves his PDA, but in a year or two he might want this:  OpenMoko FreeRunner: a win for phone freedom  It looks pretty good to me!

As Californians are to Oregon, so are “Northerners” to North Carolina

We met some of our new neighbors yesterday afternoon.  They seemed like very nice people.  We met members of three families:  one from New York, one from New Jersey, and one from Connecticut.  The situation is similar at my work.  Of the people in my group there is one from West Virginia, one from Alabama, one from India, and two from New York.  It is about the same throughout the company, although there is one North Carolinian amongst the technicians.  I think Charlotte and the Research Triangle Park area tend to be that way.  It seems that the further one gets from those areas, the more one encounters native sons of the state.  It seems a lot like Oregon in that sense.

We had a very busy weekend.  Everything is now in the house, but that is about all that can be said. We have lots unpacking to do.

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