"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

The Scramble for Africa

Here is a poem that I wrote about what I learned in history today. “The Scramble” refers to a period in the late 1800s when most of the European countries were dashing to claim land in the mostly undiscovered continent of Africa. They took the land from the natives there without giving it a thought, though it caused much suffering for many years. They did bring modern devices and ways of life to Africa though. The European countries met together in a peaceful conference to divide up the land in Africa. I don’t think the countries in Africa had their current names at the time period of this poem, but I used the names anyway to make it more ‘rhymeable’. 🙂

“Give me Nigeria!”
“I will take Chad!”
“I’d like Somalia!”
“Wait! Give me a pad!”

“Now gentlemen really,
enough is enough!
If we all want Africa
we musn’t be tough!”

“Raise your hands nicely
Like good girls and boys
and I’ll write down your request
no fistfights or ploys.”

“You first Queen Victoria.
now what do you want?
Nigeria’s quite nice but unbearably hot
Benin is too, but the elephants gaunt.”

“I prefer Mali.”
sniffed the arrogant lady
it’s small, not too hot,
very modest and shady.”

The judge he wrote down
the request in a book
and put on his glasses
to take a good look –

At the court room around him
where monarchs were seated
and all had their hands raised
wishing to be heeded.

The judge called on King Watzizname
from Portugal
and the great man’s huge voice
sounded out through the hall.

“South Africa’d please me,
but ’tis owned by the Dutch
I would like Kenya
if it’d please you, and such.”

So on went the judge
a-writing and asking:
“And what would you like.”
In his power was he basking.

In a couple of hours
(Maybe it was more than that)
the judge had the countries
in his ledger, down pat.

And all went away
most satisfied
but in the great land of Africa
people suffered and cried.

The End!!!


Stock purchase day


Summer is approaching and Bryan extends his lead

1 Comment

  1. Dad

    Kelly, I read through this post again and it is just excellent! You are getting better and better with your poetry.

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