"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: March 16, 2007

My Big, Fat, Mystery Birthday Party

I know that no one really wants to know the exclusive details of my illustrious birthday party, but so what? This is a blog. You can read whatever you want. It’s a free country. I can’t tell you what to do. Okay. Here goes. My Illustrious Birthday Party (Or IBP for short) is going to be one of those totally cool mystery role-playing parties where everyone comes dressed up as their character and acts like their character throughout the party. My wonderful Aunts are mostly in charge of the whole thing, and they will be the hosts at my IBP. The setting: Modern day Beverley Hills Girl’s Private High School. The weapon: No one was murdered. 🙁 A diamond necklace was stolen. The victim: Jewell Diamond (aka: your’s truly) So every girl has a ‘talent’. Mine is fashion (duh, the important one), and the others are music, journalism, art, equestrianism, and athletics. Aunt Julia, Aunt Jean, or my Cousin Kylee will play the matronly head of the school. Another one of them will play the tough guy (girl) policewoman. After the party is done in a couple of hours, we’ll play games and eat angel-food cake with strawberries and whipped cream, and make a craft or two, and do hair, and eat chocolate covered pretzels (Don’t tell Mom), and run around, and scream, and talk, and blow bubbles, and spike Christian’s hair up (if he’s there), and stuff like that. So now, if you’ve taken the time to read this, you know the exclusive details of my IBP. I know you’re glad you read this.

Summer is approaching and Bryan extends his lead

Last night our friend Spencer and his dad, Mike, came over to mow the lawn.  He was going to come about a week ago, but right before he was supposed to get there, the fertilizer guys came, did their big spring fertilizing pass, and told us not to mow for at least a couple of days.  The grass was already pretty tall when they came the first time, so with the fertilizer and the great weather, the grass was way too tall to mow easily. With the early time change, though, they were able to get a first pass at getting the grass whacked down. The plan is for Spencer to come back on Saturday and re-mow the thing.

Yesterday was the first day the kids got to take their tennis lesson outside.  They loved it.  I think they are having a pretty good time in tennis because they always come home in an upbeat mood.  It was nice enough that all the neighborhood kids got together to play outside for an hour or so before dinner.  I hope it is this nice for spring break.

There is no way to make this unobtrusive so I will just say it an put up the chart.  Bryan is killing me.  He gained a pound on me this week and it is hurting me bad!  My rope-a-dope, trash talking strategy is not working.

Note:  There are a lot of comments below about index cards.  Kelly and Christian have started their annual research reports and are gathering data so they can write the reports.  I will write more about this process as we move along.  This whole process, the things we learn from the investigations, and the end product are all real highlights of our school year.

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