I really look forward to Tuesdays.  This is the night that Lorena takes Christian to Boy Scouts.  They both have a great time there.  In the meantime, Kelly and I hang out together at home.  I do my exercise while we listen to a debate on philosophy, theology, history, or science.  I suppose we will start listening to debates on politics when the presidential election gets closer.  If that gets tiresome, we will find some other stuff to read.  Tonight, after my exercise, we are going to buy a book that I owe Kelly from a long time ago, and a murder mystery game that she will use for her birthday party.  She likes that idea a lot and has been trying to decide which one she actually wants to get.

It is tough right now to stay on track with school.  We have been going at it pretty hard for quite awhile without a break.  We are ahead of schedule on almost everything, so we are going to take this week for a math breather and just do corrections.  Then we will jump in next week and try to make the run to spring break with as much energy as possible.  Between now and then, one of our most fun and interesting tasks is to decide what should be the research report topics for the year.  The kids have made some super reports in the past and I am looking forward to seeing what they decide to research this year.  Work also continues on the next Kaktus Kids issue that is scheduled to come out in May.

As for the weight loss cage match.  I was ready for Bryan on Friday.  I was actually down seven six pounds, but now when we postponed our weigh-in until today, I got on the scale and was only down five pounds.  Rats!  It must have been that leftover soup JoAnn brought to us.  It was fine soup.  Or maybe it was the clam chowder Lorena made.  That was fine soup, too.