"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: March 23, 2007

Christian – don’t do this

Radioactive Boy Scout – Star in a jar nuclear fusion.

Spring break, another pound, and the fourth funeral

Life can get pretty crazy.  Kelly is going to a 1950’s style sleepover tonight, we are having company for the weekend, spring break starts when school lets out today, we have our fourth funeral in three weeks tomorrow, and it is tax time with all that entails.  In the midst of all that busyness, though, I have lost another pound.  I am averaging four pounds a month.  It would be kind of nice to be losing a little faster, but I hear the fried chicken and biscuits and grave call my name so I regularly fall off the wagon just about every weekend.  I guess I should be thankful for the busyness because when I am busy, it keeps me from eating.  And I guess four pounds per month is a pretty good rate given my lack of self denial.  Christian, why don’t you send me a picture of Kelly in her party outfit so I can post it here to show how stylish she looks?  And Bryan, how much are you down these days?

Weight loss cage match results:

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