Yesterday afternoon, Lorena took Kelly down to mall.  While she was gone, our homeschooling friends from Texas called.  Lisa Paek and her kids Elliot and Eliana were visiting the the Larsons.  All of them got together to call so they could sing happy birthday to Kelly.  They talked to Lorena, Kelly, and I about homeschool for about an hour.  What a great group of people.  Both the Paeks and the Larsons have decided they will homeschool for another year.  Both of them are planning to use Sonlight which is the program we use.  I was especially appreciative of Rebeca Larson and Lisa for their conversation with Kelly.

After they talked Kelly told me, “They talked to me just like I was a grownup or something.”

Maybe that is why they are so successful with their kids.  It also makes us miss our friends in Texas.  A lot.

Update:  I gave blood today and found that my blood pressure was pretty good.  That must mean the exercise is working.  The main reason I gave blood, though, was to shed that much more weight for the weight loss competition with Bryan.