"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: March 12, 2007

Vivian and Bryan

Bryan made some comments earlier about our dear friend Vivian Plews.  He also sent along a great picture of the two of them.  The comments bear repeating and the picture speaks for itself.

Marilyn Denio announced after Gospel Meeting tonight that Vivian passed away.  She was truly a great lady! When we first moved to Newberg in 1972, I was a freshman at Newberg HS, and we went to her home for Sunday AM meeting. Over the years I have come to love dear Vivian very much. So sweet… and always a smile and word of encouragement. Always!  I will miss her dearly.

Vivian and Bryan

Two funerals and a visit from Udo

This weekend was a very busy weekend.  We went to the funerals of Dick Nelson and Vivian Plews.  Then, my cousin Udo and his wife Damaris from Montana came and spent the night with us on Saturday night.  It was very good to have some time with them as Udo was a very good reality check for me on all things spiritual.  We did nothing other than just sit around and talk.  We bragged about our kids and they didn’t even flinch.  Of course, they bragged about their Erika, too, but they should because she is so amazing.  We are pretty whipped though after all that socializing.  All I was able to do for homeschool this weekend was get next weeks plan completed.  I will have to catch up on my corrections tonight.

The good news about homeschool is that both Kelly and Christian have picked their annual research report topics.  Kelly will be doing something on the history and care of house cats.  Christian is doing his on bombs and projectiles.  We are looking forward to learning some amazing things.

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