"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

A good idea

I was laying in bed at about 4:00 this morning and an idea came to me. It was an idea about how to solve a hard technical problem. I love that. It might be the best part about being an engineer. The idea, if implemented well, might solve the problem. It might not; the problem is hard. Still it will be very interesting, even fun to try it out. I was invigorated enough by the idea that I got out of bed and went in to work to try it out. It will take me several days to do it, but before now, I did not even have a plan. It was like I was an author with writer’s block. At any rate, now I have something to try and it makes me happy.


Psychology Lessons




  1. Youngin


  2. Troy

    Actually, IIII understood.

  3. Dad

    I am thankful someone does, because I have not quite got it completely figured out yet! 🙂

  4. Catherine

    Haha me too! Doesn’t happen very often but the funniest time was when I woke up in the middle of the night and realized a professor hadn’t added my score up correctly on a test! What is our brain REALLY doing that while we sleep we can solve problems that we can’t solve while we’re awake and conscious?

  5. Dad

    EXACTLY! It kind of makes me doubt myself when I can think better asleep than awake.

  6. My dear Ken!!!
    And you told me you did not believe in dreams!

  7. Dad

    This was a nightmare!

  8. speaking of which…
    I dreamed a friend of mine woke himself up snoring at 3:45.
    He couldn’t get back to sleep because he was worried that someone had mistagged him on facebook.
    He was still checking all his facebook tags, when I finally awoke from the nightmare.

  9. Dad

    It is Kelly’s fault!

  10. Ruthie

    Isn’t God great?!

  11. Dad

    My thoughts exactly, Ruthie.

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