I think I have finally gotten the web theme to the point where it is not completely embarrassing.  Troy helped me find a bug last night that I think I fixed this morning.  I want to make more changes, but they will have to wait until I get some other things out of the way.  This is one of those times when the time available for self reflection is at a minimum.  That is why I very much appreciate Kelly’s post from yesterday.  I am glad she thinks about topics like “Social Graces”.  It is interesting that the book we are reading aloud in the evening about how to make the best use of your voice, even in tense or intimidating situations.  Those situations do not seem unlike the social situations Kelly describes in her post.  If things get tense, people start acting weird.  Some people are better at dealing with that than others.  I am sure practice really helps, but practice without some way of knowing what it is you need to change to maximize graciousness can actually exacerbate the problem.  Thinking, talking, and reading about how others deal with these issues is a good thing.  I certainly am excited that I might learn something about how to be more gracious.  Or at least, learn how to be less of a clod.