"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: February 2, 2009

Psychology Lessons

My CLEP psychology book is actually really interesting.  I wouldn’t want to be a psychologist, partly because psychology seems so cold and God-rejecting, and partly (well, mostly) because Dad won’t let me. 😉  But I have learned quite a bit these past two months. For example, my mother and my Mexican grandfather both have mild cases of OCD. I’m afraid that the older Mom gets, the worse her obsessive cleaning and scrubbing will get.  I’m also fairly sure that my dad has a psychological disorder too, but it’s yet to be discovered. It probably has something to do with having a bunch of energy at all hours of the day.  That’s just not natural in my opinion.  My little brother’s psychological disorder will most likely emerge when he is older. You see, he’s had quite the traumatic childhood. At the age of seven, he knew more about changing screensavers than anyone in the household. That’s not natural either. I am in the 12-18 year old stage. I’m supposed to have a crisis of Identity versus Role Confusion.  In other words, I’m a troubled teenager. I’m probably really messed up by now though. According to CLEP, the only way I can grow up to be a ‘good’ person is by being around others who are empathic, accepting, genuine, offer me ‘unconditional positive regard’ and don’t impose ‘conditions of worth’ on me. That way I can be self-actualized and feel great about who I am. Because after all, everyone knows it’s all about me.

Yeah. I’ve really been enjoying this. But it’s not all bad. I was reading the book the other day and it says that when we’re conforming to a norm (even one that is blatantly wrong) it’s because we don’t want to be rejected by the group that has set that norm. Obviously.  THEN I read my Bible and it said:

Romans 12:2: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is
that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

So I thought, I shouldn’t be conforming to this world or the people in it, I should be transformed by God and then conform to God! It was cool to read because it sort of (not exactly, but still) went along with what I had been studying in my CLEP and it made me think.

All for now!

School and work continues

I was a little disconcerted by recent events at work (a big layoff) so we talked about it over the weekend and considered what to do.  The reality is that my job is not in jeopardy, nor will it change my day to day work.  I just will not be doing it with some of the people on whom I depended.  We decided that, while it is important to plan, it is also important to continue to live life.  We have some big and very cool stuff going on right now.  Kelly is in the middle of a great story with her Betty Blonde comic.  Christian and I continue to work on the ham radio, although we are kind of stuck until I get a specific kind of wire.  Lorena is getting all her ducks in a row to get back into school.  Kelly and Christian are scheduled to take the ACT college entrance exam on Saturday.  I program on my special projects almost daily.  Sometimes I forget life is good even when the immediate future is a little uncertain.

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