North Carolina law requires all homeschool students to take a nationally normed standardized test every year.  We would do that whether or not it were required.  It is just nice to get some confirmation that there is educational progress.  We actual enjoy these tests.  We have to do a few things to prepare for the test.  Each of the kids needs a couple of #2 pencils (we discussed that earlier, here), an approved calculator, some paperwork, and an eraser.  We plan for a good night sleep and a banana (for maximum synapse firing) along with breakfast.  After that, we will drive to St. Augustine College where we will check the kids in, then go find a place where Lorena can shop and I can sit and program.  The test times are 45 minutes for English, 60 minutes for math, 35 minutes for reading, 35 minutes for science, and 30 minutes to write an essay (Kelly, only).

Even though we enjoy these tests, it will be a relief to have them behind us because it will allow us to concentrate more on our day to day work.  This is generally, the most productive time of the year for us.  We will start to consider annual research report topics so we are ready to start research in March.  We are just about finished reading Understanding Intelligent Design, so we need to pick our next book.  I thought we would do something on electronics, but I am having second thoughts on that now.  Part of it has to do with reading A Mother’s Journal and feeling nostalgic about all our art (examples here, here, here, and, of course, here).  I think we will go on to books to prepare us for video blogging, but I have not made up my mind quite yet.