"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33


Well, we are only days away from the ACT.  We are headed over to St. Augustine College in Raleigh on Saturday, armed with our Black Warrior #2 pencils (thanks for the great tip, Troy – I hope we can find some in time!) to do battle with the great Nationally Normed Standardized Test of all tests.  We got a bunch of “how to take a test” books in from Amazon yesterday.  Kelly is devouring them.  I will try to write about what I think about them after I look at them a little more.  They do not include Adler’s How to Read a Book, but we plan to get that one, too (thanks Ruthie).

I am going to have some short posts for a few days due to time constraints associated with work.


A good idea


ACT anxieties


  1. Oh, those black pencils just give me goosebumps. We love them. 🙂


  2. Dad

    Troy is a WEALTH of information on this kind of stuff. I do not know where all that comes from.

  3. Ruthie

    Please tell the kids that we wish them the best of luck on the test….just remember Emma’s nightmarish story about putting her answers down in the wrong place on the bubble sheet.
    Stay calm and BREATHE!!!

    We are in the middle of a frenzy applying for scholarships….hey, when you get through this year of school, make it a summer project for the kids to start searching for every scholarship they would be eligible for and keep them in a binder. I am positive that your kids will qualify for merit based scholarships and Christian should be able to get into any technical college of his choice ~ the nerd boy!:) We missed a key one that would have paid for ALL unmet needs through graduate school (Gates Mellinium Scholarship and the Asian Pacific Islander one). Anyway, we are just going to lick our wounds and contiue on. God will lead us. It is also good to have the kids keep a detailed record of all the service type work they do from preparing meals for sick friends to heading up a community project, etc, etc….helps the memory when it comes to asking for letters of recommendation or filing out college application and scholarship forms….These types of activities are very helpful in presenting yourself to a college. You could even dream up a few projects for the kids to head up. Oh, why couldn’t you have gone before me, Ken?….then I could gleen all of this from you and I am sure you will be much more organized than I am!

  4. Dad

    It is so great that you help us with all this. Your inputs have been absolutely great. We just added something to our summer “to-do” list–FIND SCHOLARSHIPS. We have found there are a bunch of Hispanic scholarships into which we hope to tap. The idea of keeping a notebook of service projects is a great one. That could even inspire us to do some more. We signed up for a service that sends us links to all the stuff for which Kelly is qualified. We get a couple of them per day. The name of the site is FastWeb.com. We have not really started looking at those yet, but we probably should start. Thanks again Ruthie for a great post.

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