"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

All computer weekend

We had a wonderful weekend.  As is usual on Fridays, we had our family night together at home, complete with pizza and clever repartee.  I wrote a previous post about how the hard drive on our Linux/Homeschool computer went bad, so Christian and I worked through all that.  Actually, it was mostly Christian who did the computer recovery and reassembly work because I worked on some programming projects.  We wanted to finish up the ham radio project this weekend, but that pretty much went by the wayside with our computer problems.  One of the good parts of the weekend was that Lorena found a great deal on a table for the computer that she bought with the furniture money she has been saving.  I will put a picture of her and her new purchase up here a little later today.

Kelly hung out with her friend Jenna quite awhile on Saturday.  I think they were doing crafts, looking at dresses, and other girl stuff that is beyond the scope of my understanding, but I think the had a lot of fun.  We wanted to have Jenna over to draw with on Sunday afternoon, but we never really got around to that.  We HAVE to start making that a priority again.  I think I am going to start looking for a book on watercolor or something like that to move our art forward.  We really have not done anything yeet with color.  It is something I would certainly like to try.

Jenna stuck around for dinner when Troy and Youngin came (bringing the food, too–how good is that?) over on Saturday.  We had a ball with them even though I think we kept them way to late because we did not have an Ubuntu disk ready to install on Troy’s computer when he came.  What is awesome is that, when his screen went blank after he got his newly installed Ubuntu computer back home, he called us, but our phone was turned off so he got onto the internet on Youngin’s computer, found Ubuntu Forums and figured the thing out himself.  No problem!  Actually, the problem was a fairly non-trivial X-Windows thing, but he figured it out anyway.  Christian and I were both impressed.


Bad drive Saturday




  1. Ratboy

    Hey, Ken, what’s up with that lamp-thingy in your header? What does it symbolize?

    While it is a bright idea (haw, haw), the reason I am asking is because several things about the lamp are, well, questionable:

    1. It has no power source/cord.

    2. The pull chain is very far away from the bulb base and could actually be attached to the shade.

    3. The light appears to be on, but one can see the filament.

    4. And, finally, the point where the vertical support comes off the annular base while probably welded, looks awfully weak and “tippy”.

    Anyway, just thought I’d ask. 😉

  2. Dad

    All of those points are right on target. You see we are kind of a bunch of dim bulbs here and just use whatever free easy WordPress theme we can find. I have committed to changing the thing before to long, but I have gotten so many comments on it, it kind of makes me sad to think of changing it.

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