"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Which Chapman are YOU? Quiz

i hope no one gets offended by this… 😉 It’s all in fun.

Which Chapman are YOU?
Created by Kelly and Christian Chapman
Inspired by Kylee (our cousin)

Family picture

When getting ready to go to an event, you can be found:
A. Yelling at everyone to get into the car
B. Searching for the car keys
C. Sitting in the car
D. Changing outfits 8 times
E. Sleeping

You are good at cooking…
A. …omelettes, cereal, and top ramen. That’s it.
B. …Everything.
C. …up evil plans
D. …Burnt bread
E. …nothing.

You can’t stand the sound of
A. Interruptions
B. Silence
C. Singing siblings
D. The Vacuum cleaner
E. Rejection

You are most embarrassed when
A. People think your kids go to public school 😉
B. You misspell something
C. You don’t really get embarrassed in real life. Just on Runescape
D. People find out that your dad gets embarrassed when other people think that you go to public school
E. You are shameless. You never get embarrassed

What do you usually drink during the day?
A. Black coffee. Diet coke. Black coffee. Caffeine free diet coke.
B. Coffee that is extremely diluted by cream and sugar, coke, coke, coke, coke, coke
C. Grapefruit juice, Gatorade, Coke
D. Milk, water, and the occasional glass of cranberry juice
E. Any water BUT the water in your dish

What is your dirty little secret?
A. You actually enjoy correcting homework and marking things wrong with a red Sharpie. No wait. That’s not a secret.
B. You like making up words to oldies that you forgot the lyrics to.
C. You have a stash of offensive political Betty Blonde cartoons hidden
under your dresser. they will never see the light of day.
D. You like to show off by switching languages randomly and speaking
really, really loudly in public. You are sadly mistaken when you think
it impresses people.
E. You lie about farting

You THINK you know a lot about
A. Homeschooling, Engineering, Politics, the Economy, Everything under the sun
B. Mexico and social situations.
C. 1337 5p34k and such
D. Teenagers and people
E. Licking things.

When you talk on the phone you:
A. Start out at normal volume but then end up yelling
B. Yell and absentmindedly doodle on Betty Blonde cartoons that haven’t been scanned in yet
C. Freeze up, get really cagey and then start asking the same question over and over again
D. Say something wrong, then apologize and apologize and apologize again.
E. Don’t say anything. Not because you can’t. Just because you don’t feel like it.

What makes you feel self-conscious
A. Unknown
B. Your shoes
C. listening to a recording of yourself from 2 years ago
D. When informed that you used that big word you just learned totally out of context ( in front of a lot of people )
E. When people watch you eat / poop / sleep / do anything

What’s your signature look?
A. The “Get me a Diet Coke because my legs are broken and I can’t do it myself” look
B. The “I’m trying to smile naturally for the camera but it’s not working” look
C. The “I’m trying really hard to solve this arbitrary computer problem but it just keeps getting worse” look
D. The “I did not hear what you just said because I was in the middle of a book, and I’m not likely to listen anyway” look
E. The “I honestly don’t care about you, so please go away” look

When do you wake up in the morning?
A. It’s so insanely early that no one knows exactly when
B. When you feel an urgent need to brush your teeth
C. When the cat sits on your face
D. When your favorite morning talk show comes on the radio
E. When you sit on your owner’s face

Your projects will most likely involve
A. Engineering skills and a computer
B. Paint and gardening gloves
C. Pencils and erasers
D. Knitting needles and yarn
E. New things and sharp claws

You love spending time with
A. Your crazy but awesome family
B. Your crazy but awesome family
C. Your crazy but awesome family
D. Your crazy but awesome family
E. Your crazy family

If you chose mostly A’s then you are a
You are a great teacher and Dad. You are very talkative and outgoing,
and you love your work and your life. Your pet peeves include
interrupters and country music. You love Mom’s homemade Greek salad and
Blues and Gospel music

If you chose mostly B’s then you are a
You are beautiful inside and out, and you love decorating your house,
gardening, and spending time with your family. You love Mexico, the
country you grew up in, and keep in touch with your extended family
there. You are an amazing mother, and you do a million jobs all at once!

If you chose mostly C’s then you are a
You are one smart person, and you are a whiz around computers. You are
very, very creative and funny, although you can appear to be quiet and
serious around other people. You like trying new things and you are
good at starting and finishing projects. You’re really good at not
giving up.

If you chose mostly D’s then you are a
You are also very talkative and outgoing. You enjoy meeting new people
and making new friends. You don’t get embarrassed very easily, but when
you do you remember it for a long time afterwards. You love to craft
and make new things, and you love to be with other people. You love

If you chose mostly E’s then you are
Kiwi and Rubix, the twin cat sisters!!
You love other people very much, even if you don’t want to admit it.
Your hobbies include licking things, sitting on people’s books and
magazines as they read them, and sleeping. You are very good at knowing
when people are half asleep and don’t want to be disturbed.


Christian’s graphic novel – Kelly’s Betty Blonde story line


Getting ready for Internet broadcast


  1. Audrey

    I wanted to be a B”: Mom/Lorena, but I ended up with mostly E’s…what does that mean?????
    Really, this is one of your best posts yet, I laughed so hard and HAD to read it out loud to Eric

  2. Catherine

    LOVED this! What a fun idea! I had 5 (Kelly’s), 4 (Cats), 3 (Ken’s), 1 (Lorena), and 0 (Christian’s).

  3. Dad

    This is fun! I was 100% twin cat sisters!

  4. Totally fun and cool!! I really don’t fit in anywhere.
    What does THAT mean?


  5. Dad

    I think that means you and the Princess should do one for your family and let us take the test!

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