"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

ACT – The Real Deal

We got up at an insanely early hour on Saturday, got our stuff together, ate a banana and some Cheerios and headed out the door to the testing center.  I had a good time. I wasn’t too nervous when I got there and my pencils were sharp, so there wasn’t really anything to worry about.  They put me in a classroom with 15 older kids.  The girl on my left was perfect. She looked super prepared, like she did history and science homework for fun.  And she actually dressed nicely for the exam. If you’ll look at the picture below (on Dad’s post) you’ll see that I went for the ‘casual-casual’ look… black pants, t-shirt and running shoes. 😉

Anyway, I did better than I thought I would. Or at least that’s how it feels right now. We’ll see how I actually did when the scores come in in a few weeks.  The English exam was the easiest of all, then reading comprehension, then science, then math. Science was OK. It was basically analyzing graphs, but it helped to know the subjects that the graphs were dealing with. Fortunately I had studied most of the material that was on the science test before, but a couple of them really stumped me and I had to guess.  Math was nightmare-ish. It was simple at first. Then it got harder and harder. Soon I was dealing with things that I had only studied briefly or that I hadn’t studied at all! I’m pretty sure that I’ll be able to ace it next year though. By that time I’ll have all the math that I need for the test. 

The essay was amazing.  The topic was perfect! I mean, what can be easier for a fourteen year old girl to write about than ‘nice clothing’ and ‘dressing to impress’?  I honestly think that it was my best ACT essay ever. I don’t think my outfit helped my brainstorming much, but my mind was in the right place. 🙂


A new (to us) library on a super weekend


What should we read aloud next?


  1. Ruthie

    They do try to make the essays relevant to teenagers kids lives, but you are right in saying the topic was perfect! Don’t worry about dressing to impress….out here in California, most of the kids show up with a Starbucks latte in hand looking pretty sloppy in things like Sponge Bob pajama pants, sweatshirt, and hair haphazardly thrown up in a bun! You want to be comfortable and not concerned about how you look or in uncomfortable clothes that take your mind off the task at hand.

  2. Audrey

    Oh,no! I dressed nicely for the ACT way back 100 years ago! I thought looking/feeling good would help me test good, but it’s so long ago I don’t remember my test score…only that it was good enough to get into the state (liberal arts) college that I wanted. If I were to do it again…hmmmmm?
    Three cheers for you on a job well done!

  3. Ruthie: You have to remember that I’m from Oregon, and we do grunge right there! We know what kind of socks go with what kind of sandals, and all the latest potato sack fashions. 😉

    Laughing out loud Mrs. G! Good for you actually… I know it’s comfort over fashion especially on big tests, but I felt like a bug next to Miss Preppy. 😀 Next time we’ll see if I can put together an outfit that combines both.

    And thank you very much!!! 🙂

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