"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Cookie Exchange

Mom and I are planning a different sort of party for December!  We’re going to have Cookie Exchange for all the ladies in our meeting.  Each person will bring 3 dozen homemade cookies to the party, and we will trade them so everyone gets 5 of each.  We are also planning to have a cookie decorating table, homemade soup and if we’re lucky we might even get a call from Delilah herself!  I’m looking forward to it, but I have no idea what kind of cookies I’m going to make yet. Maybe coconut macaroons or walnut truffles.  I want to make something different than the usual chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin.

I passed my Spanish CLEP practice test 1 today with flying colors! I got 96 out of 120 questions right, giving me a scaled score of 80, or an A. I just need to clean up a few things, study a bit more, and I’ll be great! I am very excited, because if I pass this test correctly, I can get 12 credit hours!  My other CLEP test, the US History one, is a bit more tedious and there is quite a lot more to remember, but I can pass it.  It will just require more studying and concentration than the Spanish CLEP test.  Knowing the language kind of helps. 😀

Also in my plans… I really want to start doing some cooking videos and newsy podcasts soon.  I’ve really been wanting to make kimchi. Dad says we should try some gourmet dishes too.  Maybe in December I’ll start.

I can’t wait for the get-together! I haven’t seen (most of) my friends since convention!!!


A Kiwi and Rubix update


Computer stuff


  1. Audrey

    ooooh how fun! Here is my favorite cookie from Martha Stewart. (Christian needs to teach me how to put a link in a comment like this! — ***DONE***)

    Another fun cookie we make for Valentine gifts is to start with a sugar cookie base. Split the dough in half and add some chocolate to one half. Cut out some heart shapes. Inside of each heart shape, cut out another heart shape and switch the centers of a chocolate and vanilla big heart so you end up with a two tone heart. (A chocolate cookie with a vanilla center and a vanilla cookie with a chocolate center.) Really this could be done with any shape cookie cutters as long as you have a larger and a smaller of the same shape. Or you could get all artistic and cut the shapes by freehand. You could, not me!

    Congrats on passing your practice CLEP test. That’s huge.

  2. Dad

    Man, this is all going to play havoc with my diet.

  3. Wow those cookies sound great! Thanks for the tips! The heart ones sound delightful. 🙂

  4. Audrey

    Ahhhhhhhhhh, Christian….I said “teach me!” I’ll bribe you even. If you teach me how to post a link in a comment, I will use that knowledge to direct you to a really cool website I just know you will love!

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