"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: November 17, 2008

Walking, Fudge, and Biology

Last Saturday I made some fudge and handed it out at meeting the next morning. It was scrumptious, but it did not look like it was supposed to and it was a bit too sweet. I think it was because I added real milk chocolate chips instead of semisweet chocolate chips but that’s OK. The more sugar the better, right?

I’ve been doing very, very well in my school today. I’ve been staying on schedule, catching up on math, and really applying myself. Applying oneself is a hard thing to do though, so I might just help myself to some of that fudge when I’m done. 😉 Yesterday, Dad took Christian and I out for a walk. Walks are very enjoyable when the sky is blue and there’s a nip in the air. You are cold at first, but after you get started you warm up and have fun! Hot summer days were just not made for walking. When you start you’re already warm, so what’s the point in getting warmer? And if it’s humid too… yeesh!

Let’s see.  Today I started a new module in my biology book about ‘The Cell’. It’s been really cool to read things in my biology book that line up with the Evolution book that Dad is reading out loud to us. I know it is not a good thing to argue, but it’s nice to know that I have a reason to believe what I believe if someone ever challenges me.

Well, not much is going on again. I’m still working on my petite, blue, polar fleece pig. I will post up a picture when I am done with it. Also, I’m sorry for all these short paragraphs. I have no idea how to limit myself. 😀 I’ll have to start paying more attention to how I format these blog posts!

Homeschool progress and a company party

We went for two walks around the neighborhood this weekend. We have walked one day on the weekend for the last little while and have decided that two is even better than one. We see the last fall colors. The air is crisp. This is just a great time of the year to get out of the house and walk in North Carolina. We went for our walks because we spent quite a bit of time holed up in the house to catch up on homeschool. We mostly accomplished that. I think the only items left are one math assignment for Christian and some math corrections for Kelly. My plan was to get started on some radio stuff, but when I looked at the schedule, I realized that we have one more book to read that goes with the Biology Kelly is studying this year and that Christian will study next year. At the same time I purchased Explore Evolution, I also purchased Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language. by William Dembski and Sean McDowell.  We really need to read that while the Explore Evolution material is fresh in our heads, so we will push out the radio work until toward the end of this year or the start of the next.

Lorena and I went to a company party on Saturday afternoon.  It was very nice.  The company hit some milestones that we wanted to celebrate, so our CEO made up some gumbo and invited us all over to his home.  It was nice for Lorena to connect faces with the people about whom I speak with her every day after work.  It really was a pleasant affair as such events go.

November 29, 2004 – Thanksgiving report
November 24, 2004 – Christian in Newspaper!!! (photo)

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