We were going to do Rubix, too, but Lorena would not let us.  Lorena, Kelly, and Christian are going to drive to my work this afternoon, so we can leave from there to Charlotte for a get-together with a bunch of great kids (and grown-ups, too).  My work is about a half an hour closer to Charlotte than where we live.Now that we have our haircuts, we are all cleaned up for the big party.  We have very much been looking forward to this weekend, but it is about a three hour drive so we want to get started as early as possible from the right side of town.  It was snowing when I drove to work this morning.  I hope it is not going to be snowy and slick on our drive there.  It looks like it will clear up for the drive home tomorrow.

Grandpa Milo and Grandma Sarah are driving the new machine built by Grandpa Milo and his buddy, Del Weber, over to Quality Corners in Idaho.   It allows us to make some great additions to our product line.  It is a funny deal that we are picking up business like crazy during this downturn.  A lot of it is business we won away from China, but there are some new products in the mix, too.  They were going to drive from Portland to Pendleton last night which is about half way.  I hope there is not too much snow on the pass for them.  They are scheduled to fly to Raleigh from Portland on Tuesday, so they will be in a whirlwind of travel for the next few days.  I am glad Dad went over to install the machine.  I am excited to hear how it goes.

Kelly and I are entering into a “no bad snacks” pact for healthier eating.  I have been staying about flat on the weight loss death match with some serious ups and downs, so I am trying to rework my system.  I have two areas where I need serious work.  First, I do well all day long during the week, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but I pig out on all kinds of stuff when I arrive home from work.  I promised that I would restrict what I eat when I get home to some health stuff in reasonable amounts.  Second, I absolutely have no self control on the weekends, so I have promised to stick to a more health diet with not a lot of snacking then, too.  For her part, Kelly is going to quit snacking so much on unhealthy stuff and go from 90% ranch dressing and 10% carrots to 98% carrots and 2% ranch dressing.  We are both going to be more measured in our mealtime consumption by putting reasonable amounts on our plates and eating it slow.  Kelly has promised to hold my feet to the fire on this.  If I do not do something, both Lyle and Brad are going to catch me.