"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: November 5, 2008

Political Disappointments :(

I wore my special patriotic stars and stripes T-shirt, I updated my status on Facebook with McCain/Palin cheers, I even baked chocolate chip cookies!!!  And all for naught I suppose.

But do you know what? It’s OK.  It’s OK to lose every once in a while, even if it means giving up the leadership of the country you love to a Democrat (Democrats, read ‘Democrat’ as ‘Republican’ or ‘President Bush’ or whatnot. You might understand how I feel then. :D)   In spite of it all, I agree with what Dad says. I am not of this kingdom.  If God chose Barack Obama to be my president, then that’s good enough for me.  I just need to remember that there’s a divine plan underneath all the turmoil. Anyway if things get really bad, I can always count on being half Mexican. I’ll just hole up somewhere in rural Monterrey and wait for things to settle down.  🙂

On another note…

So there’s a little bucket of ‘wise’ and/or ‘witty’ quotes on the counter at the Y.  You take one after you are done working out.  Yesterday mine said something like:

“Tolerating other people’s principles is only possible if you have none of your own.”

I forget who said it.  What does it mean?

The sun came up

We did not stay up last night to listen to the election returns. It did not go so well for our side. Notice from the 2004 posts below that life was a lot better four years ago. Still, the sun came up this morning, I made it to work, the kids started their homeschool, and Lorena started her day managing the household. It was pretty disconcerting to read Jeremiah 4 in my bible this morning because it talks about what would happen to Judah and Israel because they turned their backs on God. It was also very clear that the remedy for such a coming disaster is to turn to God. Lorena and I had a very good talk after we saw the way it was going about the necessity and importance to keep our focus on those things over which we have control, the principle one being faith in God.

Hebrews 11:6 – But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

The reason I am most often disappointed when an outcome is not what I want it to be is that I forget who is really in control. God lets happen that which is part of His plan, not mine. The really good corollary, though, is the verse above. All we have to do as individuals is seek him. The other good part is that the demonstration of saving belief is the sacrificial love we have for Him and for our neighbors.

It is truly good to be alive, even in times such as these.

November 2, 2004 – Election day – Viva Bush!!!
November 3, 2004 – Bush Wins! (Photos)

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