"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: November 19, 2008

Cookie Exchange

Mom and I are planning a different sort of party for December!  We’re going to have Cookie Exchange for all the ladies in our meeting.  Each person will bring 3 dozen homemade cookies to the party, and we will trade them so everyone gets 5 of each.  We are also planning to have a cookie decorating table, homemade soup and if we’re lucky we might even get a call from Delilah herself!  I’m looking forward to it, but I have no idea what kind of cookies I’m going to make yet. Maybe coconut macaroons or walnut truffles.  I want to make something different than the usual chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin.

I passed my Spanish CLEP practice test 1 today with flying colors! I got 96 out of 120 questions right, giving me a scaled score of 80, or an A. I just need to clean up a few things, study a bit more, and I’ll be great! I am very excited, because if I pass this test correctly, I can get 12 credit hours!  My other CLEP test, the US History one, is a bit more tedious and there is quite a lot more to remember, but I can pass it.  It will just require more studying and concentration than the Spanish CLEP test.  Knowing the language kind of helps. 😀

Also in my plans… I really want to start doing some cooking videos and newsy podcasts soon.  I’ve really been wanting to make kimchi. Dad says we should try some gourmet dishes too.  Maybe in December I’ll start.

I can’t wait for the get-together! I haven’t seen (most of) my friends since convention!!!

A Kiwi and Rubix update

Rubix corrects Christian’s math

I thought it was about time to take cat blogging as I had not done that for quite some times.  The tortoise shell twin cat sisters, Kiwi and Rubix, are alive and kicking.  They very much enjoy their new digs here in North Carolina.  Our current house is bigger than any in which we had previously lived, so we expected to see a little less of the cats.  We learned that cats, these at least, are amazingly social animals.  They follow the kids whereever they go.  They even put up with, yea even seek out Lorena’s baby-talk and cuddling which never ceases to amaze the rest of the family!

Kelly will take her first Spanish CLEP practice test today.  This is an important test because, if she does well enough on the real one, she will receive twelve semester hours or two full years of university level Spanish credit.  Christian is on track to take his first Freshman English Composition CLEP test either on Saturday on the way to Charlotte for a BIG PARTY at the Amy Coleman’s new place or early next week depending on whether or not he finishes the study book by Friday.  We are on track for them to take the tests in early December at a Strayer University facility by where I work.

I talked to Grandpa Milo (age 79) last night.  He an his buddy, Del Weber (age 80), will put the finishing touches on a new machine they built for Quality Corners that helped bring us a new very big customer.  He wants to drive it over to our facility in Idaho tomorrow–about an eight hour drive, but I am trying to talk him into just shipping it.  I actually think he enjoys the drive and wants to be there for the installations.  he promised that he will not drive back if the weather is bad, so I guess that is OK.  Grandpa Milo and Grandma Sarah arrive here on Tuesday to spend a week with us centered on Thanksgiving.  We very much look forward to their visit.  The kids and grandpa have all kinds of cooking plans.  It is pretty funny.  This is one of those situations that gives us confidence Kelly and Christian were not switched at birth.  Kelly has Grandpa Milo’s “take control of the situation and get people organized gene” while Christian has his “work unreasonably hard for no apparent reason even if there is nothing to do” gene.  Come to think of it, I think Lorena might have contributed a little to the one Christian inherited.  Maybe it was me who was switched at birth!?

Input from Kevin’s interview of Kelly about Betty Blonde on the Uncle Dub’s Rambler blog continues to flow.  We loved the article and have seen more hits on the Betty Blonde website as well as some new subscribers to the Betty Blonde daily email list.  We highly recommend his blog–usually quirky, always interesting.  Thanks Kevin!

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