We are about half way through the book Explore Evolution. We are also about half way through The Trumpeter of Krakow. I had mentioned previously that we read a chapter from both a fiction book (from Kelly’s Sonlight series of books) and a non-fiction book. We are just now getting control of our studies after the trip to Mexico, so we want to start back to work on projects and studies we have had on the back burner. In particular, we want to start our study of electronic broadcast. We have Broadcast Voice Handbook, Sound and Look Professional on TV and the Internet, a couple of books on amateur and commercial radio licensing, and a radio kit for Christian and I to assemble (Kelly is less interested in the technical elements of all this). We will start the Broadcast Voice Handbook as our non-fiction read-aloud after we finish Explore Evolution. We will start studying for the amateur radio license test after Kelly finishes her Spanish CLEP test and Christian finishes his Freshman English Composition CLEP test. Christian and I will try to get set up to start the radio assembly this Saturday.

I made great progress on my Python program that builds up a comic strip and puts it up on our web-server. The part that does the image processing and FTP uploading is already complete. I got the main structure of the GUI built that allows a user to input the source image directory, title, author, number of panels, and the FTP site information, then create and upload the comic and thumbnail. There is still a little bit of debugging required and the display of the completed images, but that should not take me too long. It has been a super fun and interesting exercise that has helped me come up to speed with both the Python programming language and the wxWindows/wxGlade cross-platform GUI toolkit.

November 23, 2004 – Homeschool slowing, linux, and the dentist
November 22, 2004 – Preparing for Thanksgiving