I am completely amazed.  As we are wont to do on Saturday mornings, we went to Wendy’s for an early lunch, then on to the Albany public library to turn in last weeks books and pick up a whole new bunch of books.  Kelly found The Great Brain and it looks awesome.  I like it already and I have only read three paragraphs.  I think we are going to try to read it aloud as a “go-to-bed” book.  I can hardly wait.  Well, that is not the thing about which I am amazed.  The thing about which I am amazed is the immediate connection to the library’s wireless LAN that I was able to acheive with almost no effort at all on my Kubuntu Linux laptop.  I am writing this web post sitting at a table at the library.  I love it.  Why would anyone buy a Windows computer?

Kelly and Christian’s friend and our neighbor, Hannah, spent the night with us last night.  Kelly and Hannah stayed up talking until nearly one in the morning.  I think they had a great time.  I sure this will happen more often now that they have done it once.  Hannah wants Kelly to go to her house tonight, but I think we will have her wait at least until next weekend.