I am working on a program for a friend.  I wrote a program for him in Windows, but the whole setup is way too expensive because it uses some special libraries that cost a lot of money.  I have already written many of the libraries we need, I know how to write most of the rest, and what I do not know will be fun to learn.  So I spent a good chunk of Saturday getting our laptop ready to write the program for Linux.  I downloaded Kubuntu Edgy Eft and had KDevelop and everything else I needed to program up and running within a couple of hours.  I was very pleasantly surprised because the last time I tried this, I was never able to get the wireless going properly.  This time, it just worked.  I left the laptop as a dual boot machine for now, but believe I will be able to convert it completely over to Linux when Feisty Fawn comes out.  I do not think I will make the switch until after the school year because we do all of our homeschool on the computer and it would be too disruptive, but I am looking forward to the summer when I can make the change.  This all just keeps getting better and better.