"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: February 6, 2007

A Poem By Kelly

Colliding, twirling, sliding, whirling
running, speeding, hunting, eating
winning, losing, bumping, bruising
sitting, walking, watching, talking
yelling, crying, laughing, sighing
working, bending, never ending
painting, nailing, fishing, sailing
gossip, chatter, bad and badder
reading, loving, playing, shoving
driving, writing, barking, biting
screeching, crashing, straining, mashing
tooting, rooting, owls hooting
hiding, creaking, ever seeking,
tweeting, twirping, blowing, burping

This is an experiment that is half for school and half for the satisfaction of myself. I will see if you can guess the title of this poem. I’ll give you the title and the last line tomorrow. Adios!

Tuesday in California

I missed going to Kelly’s recital.  I missed going to Christian’s last Cub Scout event — that would not have been so bad, but I LOVE to go bowling.  I have been bowling at least once a decade for my whole life!  I am down here in California and our customer buyoff has been extremely challenging.  That is an understatement.  I want to go home!!!  I did, however, do my workout every night that I have been here.  I have not eaten so well, but that is a little bit hard to do when one is on the road.  I am telling myself that if I break even in terms of weight, I will call it good.  It looks like I will not get to my second and third homeschool write-ups until I get home.  I am looking forward to writing them.

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