"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: September 15, 2006

Blogging and blogging tools

Homeschool day 15 of 180

If the last couple of days are any indication, Kelly is going to make this blog MUCH more interesting than it has been when I was doing most of the writing. Mostly, I have been writing to keep a record of our life that we can put into a notebook and read when we get old. It is also great for keeping track of homeschool. Now, though, Kelly has discovered a several blogs she really likes and I believe are safe for her to read. We talked about it last night and we are giving some thought to how best to go about this. Kelly is twelve, loves to write, and spends a lot of time writing and illustrating stories, plays, poems, reports, and all kinds of other things. She types over 60 wpm. That is fast enough to get thoughts down on paper as she thinks them through. She has been developing a wonderful writing voice and enjoys refining and modifying it to fit different writing objectives.

My thought is that we should spend a year or so just writing on whatever topics come to mind so she can polish her skills and develop good writing habits. I have been thinking about what she might write and have come up with a list of writing categories we will try to update as we get new ideas. As we go along, we will try to gravitate toward a more specific theme with the idea of adding features and user functionality.

We use WordPress as our blog software. Up until now Kelly and Christian have been writing their web posts using the WordPress editor. I have switched over to use a FireFox extension called Performancing. I like it a lot and will add that to the home computers for the kids to use.

I am really looking forward to seeing how this goes.

John 19, 20, and 21

I was reading the Bible this morning and I turned to John 19 and started reading. I read through the rest of John because it was so good. I never really read any books of the Bible thoroughly save Matthew and Genesis. John was amazing. He said that Jesus did so many things that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. He also said that these things are written that we may believe in God, that we may find life in His name. It was pretty interesting. One thing that I didn’t understand too well though is the fact that Jesus told the disciple whom he loved to take care of his mother I think, and in later chapters he speaks of the disciple whom he loved also. But it says in the 21:20 that “The disciple whom Jesus loved following, who had also leaned on His breast at the supper, and said, “Lord who is the one who betrays you?” and then if you read up to the 24th verse it says “This is the disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote these things; and we know that his testimony is true” Was John the same disciple who took care of Mary? I don’t know. But it sure was interesting reading that chapter.

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