Homeschool day 23 of 180

Learning math can be quite difficult. Lorena, Kelly, and Christian are all taking difficult math classes right now. We are learning that it is best to work on such things while one is fresh. We are looking forward to getting through this term that ends at the end of the year. Lorena will have all the math she needs to get a degree in business, home studies, or one of those types of degrees. Kelly will have finished all of her pre-algebra and introductory algebra to move on to Algebra I. Christian will be close to finishing with Singapore Math and will be able to move on to Teaching Textbooks like Kelly. In the meantime, we are going to go through several months of math that require a lot of time and effort while we are trying to juggle everything else that we have to do. Dad needs to be escpecially helpful and patient explaining all of this. We will pass through these kinds of challenges periodically and that is good. Sometimes life can be about just knuckling down and getting stuff done. We are in one of those now.