"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: September 25, 2006

Christian’s birthday and OSU football

Homeschool day 21 of 180

We finally had Christian’s birthday party on Friday evening. We started out by meeting Grandpa Milo, Grandma Sarah, and Aunt Jean at the Burgerville where Cousin Kylee works for dinner. Afterwards, we went over to Grandpa Milo’s house to open presents. Christian got a Lego Mindstorm robotics kit, some clothes, and a planetarium globe that shows that planets in a GRAND way on the walls and ceiling of a 12 feet by 12 feet room. We had a great time. While we were opening presents, Uncle Warren (Miss Turbone) called us and invited Christian and I to see the University of Idaho-Oregon State University football game. We met Curt Nichols there at the tailgater, so Warren, Curt, Christian, and I walked around the campus and reminisced about old times. We walked into the bookstore, the Memorial Union, the main quad, past the library, Dixon Rec Center, etc., etc. It was a good time. What was better, though, was sitting and watching the game with Christian. He figured it out pretty quick and we mostly just sat and observed all the strange things that happen at a college football game.


I do not have much time to write this morning but today we start swimming lessons and Mom starts calculus.  I can’t wait but we will have to work hard and get things done quickly if we want to do well today. Yesterday we went to our first Gospel Meeting with Kent Williston.  That was lots of fun.  Tommorow we will go to my piano lesson.  That’s about it!

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