Homeschool day 22 of 180

As Kelly noted yesterday (Please notice the prepositional phrase with which I start this post!), Lorena started her calculus class and Kelly and Christian started their swimming classes yesterday. Then, after she got home from her class, Lorena took Christian to his cub scout meeting. I think she really enjoys those meetings–maybe as much as Christian enjoys them and Christian enjoys them a lot. In addition to a full load of home school, the kids are ekeing out as much use as possible of the good weather of early fall to play outside with the neighbor kids. I thnk they are working on a spy movie or some such thing. They are going to have me film it with the mini-cam as soon as they are ready.

Last night, Kelly and stayed home while Lorena and Christian went to the cub scout meeting and I kind of blew it because I was a little tired from work. Kelly has a very good idea for a book that she is going to write as part of her homeschool work this year. I should have taken the time we had together to start going over her idea. She is quite a talented writer, I just love hearing her ideas and working with her on them and I need to encourage that as much as possible. Christian has cub scouts again next Monday, so I am going to make sure and set aside the time to work with Kelly on her book. You cannot write a book unless you start putting ink on paper.

Christian wrote and installed his first program on his Lego Mindstorm robot!!! It worked great!