"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

The Pack meeting

Christian and I went to the Cub Scout Pack meeting last night and had a really great time. The Boy Scouts look like quite a good organization. We ordered Christian’s uniform and a subscription of Boys Life magazine. There will be some things he can do all summer long. This really should be quite a lot of fun.

We got our weekly newsletter today from HSLDA.  We were reminded that it is NOT too late to get send in photographs for the annual HSLDA photography contest.  The entries have to be in before the end of May.  I hope the kids take the time to prepare some entries.  We can send them in this weekend!


It’s Wet and it’s Cub Scouts Night


Finishing the floor


  1. Kelly

    That would be fun! What are the themes? Oh Dad, they came early to work in the kitchen. I kinda need to practice on the real piano, my teacher says but I can practice a little on the keyboard and then go downstairs and practice more when they are gone.

  2. Dad

    Kelly, they love to hear you play the piano while they are working. Why not just go down and play. If the noise is too great to practice well, that is another thing. Mark mentioned how much he enjoys hearing you play. I say, “Go for it!”

    The theme for your category of competition is “Light”.

  3. Christian

    There are a lot of people down there now, not just Clinton and Mr. Prescott but a whole bunch of other construction workers. THe noise isn’t theat bad but there are a lot of people.

  4. Dad

    I heard you playing while I was on the phone with Mom. I am sure the people loved hearing you. Thanks for taking the time, Kelly.

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