It is going to be nice when our remodel of the kitchen is finished and school is out for the summer. My desire is to do some more serious homeschool and Linux blogging, but I have not been able to find the time, lately. There is time to write or to investigate, but not to do both. I hope that some of my future topics include the Teaching Textbooks math program we just got for Kelly. She has only done a couple of lessons so far, but she has enjoyed them thoroughly. We will probably have both Kelly and Christian do the program next year. In addition to that, I want to do a good review of the new Ubuntu that is coming out this fall for how well it serves us in our homeschool. We have been using Ubuntu for about a year and a half now for homeschool and it is great.

The kids are now using Write for doing their annual research reports. This year, they are using the automatic table of contents generator which works very nicely. Next year, Kelly will be doing either footnotes or endnotes that we hope to accomodate with the program. We already use Calc to organize our weekly schedule. I might take a look at one of the Calendar applications like Sunbird or Lightning, but the Calc method has worked so well that there is no significant reason to change at this point.

The hardwood floor and cabinet bases are now installed in the kitchen. The stove top should arrive early this morning followed by the quartz counter top people so they can take some measurements. There is still a lot to do on both the inside and the outside before it will all be finished. The porch, the fence, the upstairs window, several yards of concrete porch and patio, more hardwood floor and hardwood floor finishing, the rest of the new appliances, counter top installation, and the above the counter cabinets as well as a bunch of stuff I am sure I am forgetting still need to be installed.