"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: May 23, 2006

It’s Wet and it’s Cub Scouts Night

Today… is a regular day with nothing to do but watch the rain drip down the window and fix another math problem. Ahhhh… that’s the life. Actually today Christian gets to go to do Cub Scouts at the Church Gym down the road!! This is the second to the last week of school but it sure doesn’t look like summer outside to me. Of course it beats Texas where they are roasting like weenies on a wooden stick but we are swimming like wet dogs in a mid-Atlantic whirpool (notice the witty analogies)

Cub scouts start tonight

I talked to the Cub Scout master last night.  He invited Christian and I to go to the meeting they are having tonight at a local church.  It is the last meeting of the school year where they give out the awards and talk about the plans for this summer.  We will get Christian signed up tonight.  On Saturday, we will drive up to Salem to buy his uniform and look around the Scout Store there.  Christian and I are both looking forward to this very much.  Christian will only be in Cub Scouts for about half a year.  He will be a Webelo really.  That is the group that is transitioning between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.  We have to decide whether Christian wants to try to win all the merit badges to be able to get the high award of the Cub Scouts or whether he wants to just get acclimated with to prepare himself to move on to Boy Scouts.  We will see what happens.

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