"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: May 12, 2006


Yesterday everyone in Mexico celebrated Mother’s Day. We are supposed to do it on Sunday buuuut… Mom wants flowers but since we are getting a remodel Dad says that she can’t get her anything for five more years.(: Thanks to everyone in Mexico who reads this blog. (Gracias a todos en Mexico que leen mi blog.) I thought no one read it. Sorry it’s not in Spanish. Mi espaniol no esta muy bien pero estoy trabajando en eso. Adios!

Living with the remodel

The kitchen is all torn up with most of the electricity turned off for the remodel, so we got some Kentucky Fried Chicken and ate dinner up in the bonus room when Joe Layman and Dellas Waldo came over last night.  We had a great time.  The drywall is in place and the painting should happen today.  On Monday, the hardwood will go into the kitchen with the cabinets arriving there on Tuesday and the stovetop early Wednesday morning so the measurements can be taken for the quartz counter top on Wednesday at 9:00 AM.  It is a little bit of a mess, but it surely is fun to watch the progress.  We are still taking pictures and still planning to post them when we get a little time.

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