"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Disappointment in Agatha Christie and finishing up the backlog

Last night we were all sitting around the island in the kitchen snacking and reading.  Kelly was reading the last few pages of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express.  I told her there was no way she was ever going to guess who did it and that I knew.  Kelly started going through the names of all the people and asking me if this or that one was the murderer.  I said I was not going to tell and told Christian who it was so that I could save my dignity when she finished reading the book and then told me that I really did not know; I just said I knew.  Of course, Christian started hounding Kelly that he knew and she did not.  After I put a stop to that, Kelly guessed.  And she guessed right!  She finished the book and slumped down with a very glum look on her face.

“What is wrong?” I asked.

“I guessed right”.

“Well, what is wrong with that?”

“That is like guessing right about a present someone gives you.  It is fun to guess, but it is way better to be surprised.  I am afraid I am starting to figure out how Agatha Christie thinks.  If I do that, it will ruin it for me.  I better lay off her books for awhile.”

Kelly and Christian are getting caught back up on their homeschool work after my last trip to California.  They have generally done well with their homeschool during my absences, but the work piles up some and it takes awhile for me to get it all marked and then another little while for the kids to make the corrections.  There are some pretty big changes coming along right now.  Swimming has stopped until summer and Tennis starts next week.  Christian has graduated from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts and that starts tonight.  We have finished a whole series of old books and started the next ones in the series in grammar, writing, and math.  I can see that we will be able to start settling back into a routine again now for at least until spring break.  I do not think I will have to travel again for several months and the next big homeschool thing, the research reports, do not start until April.

Kelly and Christian — Send me KaktusKids so I can post it on the web today!


Linux weekend


Kaktus Kids is (finally) Out!


  1. I think you put too much of the part about me hounding Kelly. 8) I was just right there reading MY book quietly like the rest of you ❗ :mrgreen:

  2. I KNEW IT!!!! I knew you didn’t know the outcome!!!! I’m the next Miss Marple. Give me another 75 years to develop my inner sense of whodunit (or grow a mustache as in the case of Hercule Poirot) and I’ll know the answer to every mystery in a 150 mile radius. So there. Can you tell I’m still annoyed about the book?

  3. KaktusKids is up on FIREFTP

  4. Dad

    Kelly and Christian, you can write a post announcing your magazine if you like. I posted a link to it on the home page. That is where you should link. The link is http://www.chapmankids.net.

  5. Dad

    THANK YOU DAD!!!!!!!!!!!

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