The problem with exercise planning is that it is not exercising. The problem with exercising itself is that it is exercising. I am starting back today on a program of exercise on the treadmill in the workout room at my work. I would really like to run outside, but it is way too hot in North Carolina during the summer for the likes of me. It takes me an hour and a half to quit sweating. I have been pushed to this by the fact that I have gained a ton of weight back since my big weight drop last year. I did not gain it all back, but I can see where this is going if I stay where I am. One of my weight loss death match partners, Lyle is making huge inroads and I have to do something to get back on track. To make things worse, the kids are swimming hard every day now as they get ready for their first swim meet in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, some of this effort will result in some weight loss on the chart.
Update: Woo-hoo! My first workout is out of the way. I found I could only run five minutes after a five minute walking warm-up because my shins started tightening into a shin splints. I finished my workout with some more walking and elliptical work. I will try to build up to running the whole time without getting shin splint; something I do not know whether is possible.
Put ice on your shins, take Advil, and put your feet up on your desk to get rid of those shin splints!
That is a very good plan Troy. I think sleeping it off for six months also helps!
Keep it up. I have been stuck at the same weight for a while but still working.
It’s amazing what people will do to their own bodies just to lose weight, when usually just eating less and healthy works wonders! 🙂