"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Cold Food

Good food turns into great food when it’s been in the refrigerator for a day or two.  Take mom’s grilled salmon.  A delicious and nutritious fish, drizzled with lemon juice and garlic and grilled to perfection.  It’s wonderful when you eat it with some rice and asparagus, but it is even MORE wonderful when eaten cold.  There is nothing like cold salmon. I think it might even be my favorite food.  Other good  cold foods are pizza (#1 favorite breakfast food) and oatmeal.  Cold oatmeal has a slimy, lumpy sort of texture, but it is one of the best cold snacks out there IMHO. 

One cold food that is not very appetizing is macaroni.  There’s something about cold macaroni that is very, very unappealing to me.  Just made macaroni is wonderful though, especially if it’s made at convention. 🙂

Why all this food talk? Because that’s what’s been on my mind lately!  Friday night, the neighbor kids came over and we made all this:

If you’re interested, Jenna, Nathan, Christian and I made Baked Mac and Cheese (Joy of Cooking book), Salad (Lettuce and Tomatoes), Salad Dressing (Taste of Home), Green beans (Frozen), Biscuits (Bisquick), Pink Lemonade (Mix), and a chocolate cake (from a box, but we sprinkled coconut on top to make it look more homemade).  We had lots of fun doing that!!  Then on Memorial Day, Christian and I made shish kabobs!

The shish kabobs were the real deal this time, except for the pineapple (it was from a can). They had meat, mushrooms, pineapple chunks, tomatoes, red bell peppers, and onions on them.  We served those with rice and a salad.  That was also very fun!

We also went down to the history museum to check out the Knights of the Black Flag exhibit. It was very interesting.  Of course the whole pirate thing is really romanticized so I was expecting a bunch of stories that would shatter my stereotypes.  Well I can say that some of my illusions were shattered, but most were based in truth (if in fact the entire exhibit was not romanticized, but well researched, which I have no doubt that it was) Pirates were a dastardly, uncouth sort. They did dastardly uncouth things, and liked to wear red sashes and put up black skull and crossbones flags and other pirate-y sort of things. 

We encountered a couple of pirates there, but I expect they weren’t the real thing.  Their heads were much to small 🙂


Memorial Day in Raleigh


Exercise planning


  1. Trisha

    Cold OATMEAL Kelly???? OATMEAL????!!!!!!!!!!!!! I usually commend your exceptionally good taste…. but COLD OATMEAL! Kelly Kelly Kelly

  2. Trisha, I’m afraid you’re just not classy enough to appreciate the finer things in life (with the exception of the lost art of embroidery. I’ll grant you that) It truly pains me to see your lack of sophisticated-ness.

    You could redeem yourself and try it sometime though. Don’t be shy! It’s a delicacy. You just have to know which fork to eat it with.

  3. Trisha

    OOOOOOHHHHH BOYYYYYY! Sounds like something your Father would say! IF OATMEAL Requires a FORK something is WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! LOL
    : )

  4. Ruthie

    Oh, Kelly. I have got to agree with Trisha on this one. Cold oatmeal, no way! I absolutely LOVE freshly made and hot oatmeal (the heart healthy serving for 3gr fiber) with chopped raw walnuts, dried cranberries, a sprinkling of brown sugar and a moat of COLD milk around the edges of the bowl…not mixed in. YUM, YUM! Sometimes I even make it with 1/2 apple juice and 1/2 water and I may even cook a sliced banana with the oatmeal.

    We are also not fans of cold pizza either, except for my husband, John. We rewarm it in a nonstick skillet over low/medium heat till crispy and warmed through, flipping it once.

  5. Ruthie

    And no, your brains are just too big from all that homeschool study! haha

  6. Kelly, cold oatmeal should be used a facial mask or something. I can’t swallow when I think of cold oatmeal. You are brave. (Ruthie, your oatmeal sounds very good, by the way.) I do, however, like cold pizza and cold salmon.

    Kelly, I did not realize the pirate exhibit was at the museum right now. I’ll have to see if we have time to go and check it out.


    PS – I love the pictures.

  7. Kelly

    I will say nothing more on the matter other than it takes a very refined palate to truly enjoy cold oatmeal.

    Oh and I LOVE (hot) oatmeal with cranberries and nuts!!! Sounds like you all really know how to do oatmeal right!

    I actually use an oatmeal facial mask frequently! Only I use raw oatmeal, warm water, and honey. If I used cold oatmeal, I’m afraid I would eat it all instead of putting it on my face!

    And the pirate museum was very fun!!! I heard on the radio that they’re having a family day with sword fighting soon… wish we could’ve gone to that. 🙂

  8. Pizza is the #1 Breakfast food. Absolutely right on!


  9. Yay! You agree with me! Refrigeration definitely does enhance the flavor of pizza doesn’t it? 🙂

  10. H. E. Summey

    Despite its inaccurate name, Knights of the Black Flag was very cool! I expect I got more out of it though- we had Wendy Welch right there talking to us!

  11. Yep, those garden designers know quite a bit about Pirates

  12. H. E. Summey

    Never trust a search engine, Christina.

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