Kelly and Christian had a great time last year on their swim team at the local YMCA.  We just got an email that the practice is going to start back up again in about a week and a half.  The kids are very excited about it.  The swim team was good for them, not only because it was good exercise, but because they got to hang out for an hour or two per day with a great bunch of kids.  They loved the swim meets because it was not only about the competition, but about the camaraderie that developed while everyone sat around and played games while they waited for their next race.

We have really had a pretty good physical education year this year.  Kelly made great progress on getting the amount of calories she consumed up on the elliptical machine.  She learned a lot about diet by studying several books and worked on eating the right kinds of foods in the right amounts at the right times.  Christian would have liked to swim all year long, but there was no program close enough to us with the right time schedule for us to do that.  So, he has worked on running.  I think he just passed the four mile mark for his four day per week 35 minute run.  I think he could hit six miles next year.  Christian, Kelly, and I want to run a 10K together.  We might even be able to talk Lorena into joining us.  I think we might start training for that after we get back from our summer travels in early September.

The other big thing Christian has been working on is his push-ups.  His goal is to do a hundred in a row.  It took quite awhile to get to the point where he could do 100 push-ups in two sets of fifty each.  Now he has been able to improve that to 60 on the first set and 40 on the second.  I am going to encourage him to keep working on that even during swimming season.