As we arrive at the end of the school year–we will be done for the year by the end of the month–we always have a ton of stuff to do.  This year Kelly is especially loaded up.  When we started homeschooling, we thought life would be somewhat more controlled, but then we did not really know what we were doing or what it would be like.  We found that in a government school setting, everything is generally concentrated around the school.  Now, WE are the institution around which all activity is concentrated.  Because we do not have all the resources that the bloated government school budgets provide, we end up distributing a lot of the activity.  There are piano, guitar, art, subject matter, cooking, and every other imaginable kind of lesson.  There are test taking trips, museum trips, book trips, office supply buying trips, park trips, play trips, concert trips, and trips to every other imaginable kind of location.  Now at the end of the year, summer swimming, a CLEP test, a piano recital, a piano adjudication, a regular guitar lesson, and workout time at the YMCA all happen in a three day period.  I will only be able to make it to one of those activities (the piano recital).  I am going to hide the rolling pin from Lorena.  She truly is a champion in her work to make sure the kids study hard, eat right, and get where they need to go.  Lorena says she is the lunchroom lady and bus driver lady of our homeshcool because I manage all the planning and academic elements of the program, but really she is the heart and center of our school.  There is no way we could do this with out her.

Weight loss note:  Lyle is the champion these days.  I have stemmed the weight gain and believe I have started back down.  Bryan!  Where are you???

Note to Eric:  Here is a note from Luke’s Dad’s blog.  (H.T. Luke) that talks about the pride thing.  I LOVED this.  I think it might have been a quote from a talk given by a guy named Kevin Swanson.

He says if you dare practice rhetoric; if you dare stand up and give an answer; if you dare to get involved in the activity of the exchange of information and knowledge–he says, whatever you do, make sure you don’t forget to do it in the fear of God, and in humility before man.  I’ll tell you, guys, the No. 1 sin that seems to be rampant in our society today, among educated people–and I’m talking about pastors, I’m talking about classical educators, I’m talking about kids that are out there blogging, I’m talking about pseudo-smart people who are trying to argue their point on the blogosphere–I’ll tell you, the No. 1 problem I see is the problem of pride. It’s everywhere. It’s insidious, and it’s ripping apart relationships in churches. It rips apart relationships in this movement.