"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Hot cocoa and radio pics

Last night, our little friend, Jenna from next door came over and spent the afternoon with Lorena and the kids.  She went to Christian’s guitar lesson and the YMCA with them.  When they got home, Kelly was supposed to dissect a big (about 10″) worm for her Biology class, but was a little squeamish.   It is a good thing Jenna had experience at such things.  It turns out she had dissected a frog and actually enjoyed the experience.  So, the three of them went out onto the back porch, dissected the worm, took a lot of “interesting” pictures, learned a lot, had a great time, and are now looking forward to doing the crayfish (a big one, too), and the frog they have in their science kit in the next few weeks.  I will spare you the photographs here (Kelly put them on Facebook).

After dinner, Christian and I went up stairs to finish the radio.  He actually did all the work while I did a little programming, scanned in the Betty Blonde comic, and looked on.  We have to get some resistors to simulate the antenna load before we can turn it on, but it looks very cool.  The pictures below are of the finished (but not yet tweaked) radio.  While we were doing that, Lorena was rifling through some old pictures and found the two above shots of the kids drinking hot cocoa.  I think We thought we should share them.


Math and Radio night


A two hour snow day


  1. Hayyyyyyyy!!!!
    Que tiernas y bellas fotos, no puedo dejar de verlas!! Me traen muy buenos recuerdos del pasado.

  2. Dad

    La cosa que recuerdo mas de los niños cuando tuvieron esa edad era que se amaban mucho uno al otro.

  3. Hey, Dad!
    I adjusted the curves on those old images and re-uploaded them so that they will show up better.

    If you use firefox, it sometimes distorts the colors a tad for slightly faster page loading. You can fix this by typing ‘about:config’ in the URL bar and enabling the bool named ‘gfx.color_management.enabled’ to TRUE by double clicking on it.

  4. Dad

    Thanks Christian. Mine does not look as good now, even after I did the about:config change. What I did to the originals after I shrunk them down was used the gimp auto white balance and color enhance, then adjusted the curves a little. On my computer, they actually looked better previously. Now some of the colors look saturated and there is too much contrast.

  5. JoAnn Waldo

    Oh my what precious children! They are growing fast Mom and Dad…enjoy every minute with them!!!

  6. Dad

    Thanks JoAnn! We certainly are. They are better than we deserve.

  7. luke bryan

    My dad & i are looking at your blog just wanted to say hi. .p.s. we are still in California

  8. Dad

    That is great! I am glad you stopped by at our blog. Please come and visit us!

  9. Ruthie

    What cutie pies!

  10. Oh, I love the pictures! They are sooo sweet. Doesn’t it go by just way too fast?

    Hope you had good math catch-up. When you’re done over there, wanna swing by here? 🙂


  11. Dad

    Thanks, Lynn and Ruthie. We loved this pictures. Lorena is on a scrap booking kick right now, so we have been seeing lots of nostalgic old pictures.

    Lynn–we DID have a good math catch up! I bet you guys do math really well, just like all the art, literature, cooking, and everything else.

  12. Uh, we are trying really hard. 🙂


  13. Those pics are adorable! I once in awhile run across some of my own kids that take me back!
    Miss you guys!

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