"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33


A couple of days ago I finally finished Teaching Textbooks Geometry, and finally started Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus.  Phew!  Normally, I would not be jumping-up-and-down-excited over starting a new math book, but this time it was different.  All I can say is that Geometry is not Algebra. It does not give me the same comforting, logical feeling that Algebra does. And yes I know Geometry is very, very logical. It just doesn’t feel the same. Thankfully Pre-Calculus has a similar feel to Algebra.  It’s harder than I expected, but I am actually enjoying it and looking forward to doing it. I’m trying to not set my hopes up to high though. Every time I start a new math book, it seems pretty easy and obvious and straightforward in the beginning. And then by Lesson 15 I’m knee deep in corrections.  All a part of the learning process I suppose!

As you’ve probably already read, I got my ACT scores in. I am very happy with them, but I hope to do better next year, especially in the math department.  I think I will, because just yesterday I learned a very simple something in my Pre-Calculus that was on the test.  That was kinda frustrating, but there’s nothing I can really do about it but retain the information for next year’s ACT.

Yesterday night I was trying to think of a new plotline for next week’s Betty Blonde. I’ve found it’s much easier to do a plotline a week than just several gag strips by the way.  Longer plotlines (like Nosey-book) will last two weeks, and normal stories will last one, with the occasional gag strip to separate the storylines.  Anyway, I was thinking and thinking. Christian suggested doing one about Big Wilma’s hair. I liked that idea because I do feel like I need to develop Big Wilma more, but I honestly didn’t feel like drawing that one right then. Dad also suggested one about Betty Blonde taking a test, and I want to do that one too! Bu I couldn’t think of any good jokes for it.  So then Dad and I came up with a new idea. It has to do with music, it includes a side character that I’ve already used before, and I really like the entire story. I hope you all will too!


ACT Scores came back!


Bad drive Saturday


  1. Catherine

    Wow and I thought it was only me about the geometry thing. I felt the exact same way and to this day it’s probably my least favorite math topic.

  2. Audrey

    Awww, I loved geometry! I can’t wait until my kids study it! So Sorry:)

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