BEFORE: View out from the front of the house
AFTER: View from the street toward the front of the house

Work is coming to an end at the apartment building, so the bulk of Lynn’s team has moved up the hill to work on the second remodel project. The first step was to clean up a large amount of debris created during the destructive part of the project. The view on the right is how it is now, after cleaning up the mess. Lynn says he can have it livable by December if we want to be in San Pedro for the holidays. That would be nice, but I am not holding my breath. It might be more realistic to hope for the holidays, but plan for something in the spring. Lynn has one big structural headache to solve to do the things he wants to do with the house. After that, he believes this remodel is profoundly more simple than the apartments. Really looking forward to seeing this project move forward now.