Lorena is totally a machine when it comes to her workouts. She NEVER misses one. She just sent me this image she took at the gym in Christian’s apartment building. Both Christian’s and Kelly’s apartment buildings have gyms with Concept 2 rowing machines. I was trying to figure out how many years she has been rowing and I think it goes all the way back to 2007 when we first moved to Raleigh. That means she has been rowing two to four times per week (sometimes she runs and she used to use an elliptical machine) for 45 minutes to an hour for the last 16 years. No wonder she is so healthy. I read an article a couple of months back that was titled “Exercise is the Best Medicine.” I believe that.

For my part, today I was down over twenty-five pounds when I started my latest health kick. The weight loss has started to slow down some, but that was expected. The one day per week fast and the daily intermittent fasting with long walks really has helped. It was a struggle getting started and it has taken longer than I remember when I was younger, but I seem to be on track now. My blood pressure was perfect when it was taken at the dentist appointment yesterday and that felt pretty good.