"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: October 30, 2023

New Google Maps pic of San Pedro house on the hill

I went to check out the house we are remodeling on the top level of streets on Cerro de las Mitras in San Pedro. When I went to the street view, it showed a new image of the house (taken June 2023) that includes some of the work Lynn has done on it. Pretty cool. He plans to start working on it a lot more now that the apartments a few blocks down the hill are almost complete.

Christian presents his research

Christian is scheduled to present the research from his work to at the 2023 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ACSSC 2023) this morning. The title of his presentation is “Online Null Adaption on a Digital Controllable Reflectarray Receiver.” He has been working on this work for quite a while now, but it is finished and he has now moved on to something new. He took the seven hour flight (SEVEN HOURS!!!!) from Boston to San Francisco, then drove down to the conference center in time for the first plenary talk yesterday. Of course, he stopped by In-N-Out for an “animal style” hamburger on the drive down.

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