"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: October 5, 2023

Health kick, month one

My latest health kick started a month ago on Christian’s birthday. Today I weighed in at a little over twenty pounds less than when I started. My Body Mass Index has dropped from 36.6 (obese level 2) to 33.6 which is obese level 1, a little less than half way just overweight. My eating is significantly decreased in quantity and increased in quality. My exercise is still a pain in the neck, but not painful. I am walking 2.5-3 miles, four days per week, but hope/plan to increase that. My velocities are up from when I began so that is good. The short term goal is to get to under 200 lbs. before my graduation on December 15 after having navigated the Thanksgiving holiday without gaining it all back.

Month 1 WEIGHT: 214.7 lbs. BMI: 33.6

Archaeology and the Bible

A new book titled Unearthing the Bible: 101 Archaeological Discoveries that Bring the Bible to Life arrived a couple of days ago. I ordered it after hearing Titus Kennedy be interviewed about Egyptian evidences for the Exodus. I briefly leafed through it and it looks really good. Lots of pictures. Right now I am listening to another interesting interview about some of the archaeological discoveries that seem to say something about the historicity of Jesus. Fascinating stuff. I bought the book from ThriftBooks.com.

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