It is hard to respond to comments properly and write substantive posts when life gets very busy.  That does not mean I am not going to try.  I was out of town on Friday, so I appreciate the post Kelly put up during my absence.  Since then, Grandma Conchita, Tio Jorge, Tia Mari, and Primos Jorgito (age 9), Valeria (age 4), and Brandon (age 18 months) arrived from Monterrey.  We hope to have pictures of them up here soon.  It was a non-stop weekend.  I traveled all day on Friday, starting at 3:30 A.M. and getting to bed after midnight.  Lorena took the kids shopping (to get ready for the cousin’s visit) and then on to their swim meet on Saturday while I worked on the GaugeCam program at home.  The Guatemalans came over for lunch after Sunday morning meeting yesterday.  When they left, Lorena, Grandma Conchita, and Valeria took Kelly and Christian to the end of the year swim team picnic and awards program.

One of the good parts of the arrival of our Mexican family is that Kelly has LOTS of good material for Betty Blonde.  She is going to switch over to Spanish (with English translations) for a while with her cousins in town.  In addition, we plan to have people over to meet them all, take some trips to museums, the zoo, a couple of swimming pools, and possibly the beach.  It is going to be an eventful week!