Three cheers for Dad and Christian! The cat tower is now complete and our kitties are very satisfied with the end result. I think it looks like a nice piece of abstract art/furniture. Very functional! I would put up a picture, but we lost the memory card.

Yesterday was our last day of 2009 swim practice.  We got to play water baseball and cross the ocean and all that good stuff. Unfortunately I did something weird to my arm at the meet last Saturday, so I was unable to swim with my arms for the whole week. I thought that because we were just playing games and not actually swimming yesterday, I would be OK.

Not so.

Cross the Ocean is usually a very fun game where you put two ‘sharks’ in the middle of the pool, and everyone else (minnows) at the end of the pool. When the sharks say “Cross the ocean!” the minnows must all jump in the water and swim to the other side of the ocean without being tagged by the two sharks. If you are tagged then you are a shark for the next round.  Fun!!!  So I got in the pool with 20 extremely energetic 6-10 year olds and all of the un-injured 11 and ups.  I did really well for the first two rounds. I made it to the other end of the pool, in fact.  Then the coach changed the rules around and made it so that the minnows could tag us on the tops of our heads only when our heads were above water.  Heads below water generally mean actually swimming, but I managed.  I was doing really really well in fact. When I was five feet away from touching the wall, this little girl who had been puppyguarding me and following me around the pool, tapped me on the top of my head as I came up for a breath. That was when I twisted around and popped my arm for the fifth time. Popping your arm hurts.  It’s like it’s twisting out of your body which is a little gross, and then it hurts a lot for like 10 minutes afterwards. Anyway, I’m not going to be swimming in the championship meet. 🙁 I am comforted by the ice-cream party afterward though. 🙂 It’s Disney-themed. I’m leaning towards dressing up as the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland since my Snow-White dress was bought when I was seven and no longer fits me.  But I don’t know. Any Disney-themed costume suggestions for Christian and I?

Cousins are coming tomorrow!!!!!!! YAY!! I am beyond excited!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Pictures will come soon!